A small script can fix it and create subdirectories with 1280x1024 and 800x600 scaled images. It also rotates original images lossless preserving original EXIF data - don't be afraid about the quality!
To use this, simply add packages: imagemagick, exiftran & perl bindings Image::Magick.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
`exiftran -aip *.JPG`;
`exiftran -aip *.jpg`;
use strict;
use Image::Magick;
use Cwd;
my $currdir = ( getcwd =~ m{([^/]+)$} )[0];
my $webdir = $currdir . '_to1280';
my $web800 = $currdir . '_to800';
print "Creating dirs: $webdir, $web800\n";
mkdir $webdir;
mkdir $web800;
print $| = 1;
foreach my $filename (<*.jpg>, <*.JPG>) {
# read this
my $image = Image::Magick->new();
# scale it
print "$filename ";
$image->Thumbnail(geometry => '1280x1024>');
$image->write($webdir . '/' . lc($filename));
$image->Thumbnail(geometry => '800x600>');
$image->write($web800 . '/' . lc($filename));
print ".\n";